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CYD ESP32-8048S050 Development Board Pinout and Technical Specifications

Code name: CYD_ESP32_8048S050

Manufacturer: CYD (Cheap Yellow Display)

CYD ESP32-8048S050 development board is based on esp32s3 microcontroller and uses xtensa architecture. This development board has a maximum CPU frequency of 240 MHz and a flash size of 32Mbit.

πŸ”— Quick Links

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πŸ›’ Price

Normally, the CYD ESP32-8048S050 costs around $10.49 per Pcs.
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πŸ“ CYD ESP32-8048S050 Description

πŸš€ The CYD ESP32-8048S050 is a budget-friendly ESP32-S3-based development board, commonly referred to as a Cheap Yellow Display (CYD). It features integrated WiFi, Bluetooth 4.2, and a 5.0-inch 800x480 LCD, making it an excellent choice for affordable IoT and embedded display projects. ⚑

πŸ“‘ With support for 802.11 B/G/N WiFi and Bluetooth 4.2 (BLE), this board is well-suited for wireless applications.

πŸ’Ύ Equipped with 32Mbit SPI Flash, multiple ADC, DAC, I2C, SPI, UART, PWM, and I2S interfaces, it offers a versatile platform for various embedded projects.

πŸ“Š CYD ESP32-8048S050 Specs

Below you can find the specifications of CYD ESP32-8048S050, such as features, connectivity options, and CYD ESP32-8048S050 technical specs.

✨ Features

  • 21 digital IO pins
  • 22 external interrupt pins
  • 6 analog input pins
  • 14 PWM pins

πŸ–₯ Display

  • Type: 5.0-inch LCD
  • Resolution: 800x480

πŸ–₯️ Display

  • Type: 5.0-inch LCD
  • Resolution: 800x480

πŸ›°οΈ Connectivity

  • WiFi: 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz)
  • Bluetooth: 5.0
  • BLE: 5.0

πŸ“ Technical specs

Clock Speed240 MHz
Flash size32Mbit
PSRAM SizeNone

πŸ”Œ CYD ESP32-8048S050 Pinout

⚠️ Pins to Avoid or Use with Caution

Some pins are reserved for critical functions like bootstrapping, JTAG debugging, USB communication, and flash memory operations. Misusing these pins may lead to boot failures, programming issues, USB conflicts, or disruptions in flash storage. Below is a list of pins to avoid or use with caution, categorized for clarity:

IO3GPIO3Sampled at reset to select JTAG interface (USB Serial/JTAG controller vs. external pins). Improper use can disable external JTAG or alter debug interface.πŸ› οΈ Strapping
IO19USB_D-By default connected to the on-chip USB Serial/JTAG controller. Using it as general GPIO without reconfiguring IO MUX will interfere with USB functionality.πŸ”Œ USB

πŸ“Œ Key Takeaway:

βœ… Pins Safe to use

For general GPIO usage, these are the safest and most flexible choices πŸš€:
  • πŸ”Ή IO1
  • πŸ”Ή IO2
  • πŸ”Ή IO16
  • πŸ”Ή IO17
  • πŸ”Ή IO18
  • πŸ”Ή IO21
  • πŸ”Ή IO22

Unlike restricted pins, these GPIOs are not tied to essential system functions like πŸ› οΈ bootstrapping, πŸ”Œ USB communication, πŸ”— JTAG debugging, or ⚑ SPI flash memory, making them the best choices for custom applications and general use.

Why Are These Pins Safe?
  • Not involved in bootstrapping β†’ These GPIOs do not affect the device’s boot mode or system startup.
  • Not linked to flash memory or PSRAM β†’ They won’t interfere with storage or memory access.
  • Not dedicated to USB or JTAG β†’ They remain free for general use without affecting debugging or programming.
  • No special hardware connections β†’ Unlike some pins that are internally wired to system functions, these remain freely assignable.

πŸ—ΊοΈ CYD ESP32-8048S050 External Pins Mapping Functions

Below you can find the CYD ESP32-8048S050 pinout. This development board provides 21 digital IO pins, out of which 22 can be used as an external interrupt pins , 6 as analog input pins and 14 pins have Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) .

PinFunctionESP PinInput/OutputDescription
13V33.3VPOWER OUTPUT3.3V power output
2GNDGNDPOWER GROUNDGround connection
35V5VPOWER INPUT5V power input
Function - Pin Function
ESP Pin - Pin on ESP32
Input/Output - Input or Output Pin
Description - Pin Description

πŸ› οΈ Default Tools

Bootloader toolesptool_py
Uploader toolesptool_py
Network uploader toolesp_ota
Bootloader address0x1000
Flash modedio
Boot modeqio
PSRAM type
Maximum upload size
1280 Kb
(1310720 B)
Maximum data size
320 Kb
(327680 B)

The CYD ESP32-8048S050 development board by default uses esptool_py uploader tool, esp_ota network uploader tool for Over-the-air (OTA) uploads and esptool_py bootloader tool. The bootloader starts at address "0x1000". Flash mode and boot mode for CYD ESP32-8048S050 development board by default is dio and qio respectively.

πŸ€– Other Boards from CYD (Cheap Yellow Display)