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ESP32-H2 Super Mini Development Board Pinout and Technical Specifications

Code name: ESP32H2_DEV

ESP32-H2 Super Mini development board is based on esp32h2 microcontroller and uses riscv32 architecture. This development board has a maximum CPU frequency of 96 MHz and a flash size of 4MB.

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πŸ›’ Price

Normally, the ESP32-H2 Super Mini costs around 5$ per Pcs.
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πŸ“ ESP32-H2 Super Mini Description

The ESP32-H2 SuperMini is an ultra-low-power IoT development board based on the Espressif ESP32-H2 chip. It features a 32-bit RISC-V single-core processor running at up to 96 MHz. The board integrates IEEE 802.15.4 support, making it compatible with **Thread and Zigbee protocols** for robust mesh networking. Additionally, it includes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and operates in the **2.4 GHz band** with a data rate of up to 250 Kbps. The ESP32-H2 SuperMini is designed for applications requiring **low-power consumption, RF stability, and secure wireless communication**, making it ideal for IoT, smart home, and industrial automation.

πŸ“Š ESP32-H2 Super Mini Specs

Below you can find the specifications of ESP32-H2 Super Mini, such as features, connectivity options, and ESP32-H2 Super Mini technical specs.

✨ Features

  • RISC-V 32-bit single-core CPU running at up to 96 MHz
  • 128 KB ROM, 320 KB SRAM, 4 KB Low-Power SRAM
  • 4 MB in-package flash memory
  • Supports IEEE 802.15.4 (Thread and Zigbee)
  • Bluetooth 5 Low Energy (BLE) support
  • Operates in the 2.4 GHz band with 250 Kbps data rate
  • USB Type-C interface for easy programming
  • Low-power consumption for battery-operated devices
  • 11 digital IO pins
  • 22 external interrupt pins
  • 6 analog input pins
  • 11 PWM pins

πŸ›°οΈ Connectivity

  • WiFi: -
  • Bluetooth: 5.0
  • BLE: 5.0

πŸ“ Technical specs

Clock Speed96 MHz
Flash size4MB

πŸ”Œ ESP32-H2 Super Mini Pinout

The ESP32-H2 Super Mini pinout is optimized for low-power and wireless communication applications. It includes essential power pins such as 5V, 3.3V, and GND for stable operation.

The board provides communication interfaces like RX and TX for UART, SDA and SCL for I2C, and MISO, MOSI, SCK, and SS for SPI, ensuring seamless integration with external devices.

For wireless connectivity, the ESP32-H2 SuperMini supports IEEE 802.15.4 for Thread/Zigbee and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), making it an excellent choice for mesh networking applications.

⚠️ Pins to Avoid or Use with Caution

Some pins are reserved for critical functions like bootstrapping, JTAG debugging, USB communication, and flash memory operations. Misusing these pins may lead to boot failures, programming issues, USB conflicts, or disruptions in flash storage. Below is a list of pins to avoid or use with caution, categorized for clarity:

IO0GPIO0Connected to the external (or in-package) flash memory as a data line; cannot be repurposed without interfering with program storage.⚑ Flash
IO1GPIO1Used to select the SPI flash chip (not brought out on modules with in-package flash); needed for flash access, so it should not be used as a general IO.⚑ Flash
IO2MTMSServes as the flash memory’s write-protect pin and the JTAG TMS line; using it as GPIO can disrupt flash operation or JTAG debugging.⚑ Flash
IO3MTDOServes as the flash HOLD (D3) line and the JTAG TDO output; repurposing it can interfere with flash reads/writes or JTAG debugging.⚑ Flash
IO4MTCKActs as the SPI flash clock line and the JTAG clock; cannot be used as GPIO without halting flash operation or debug capability.⚑ Flash
IO5MTDIFunctions as the flash data input (D0) line and JTAG TDI input; using it as GPIO will interfere with the flash data bus and JTAG functionality.⚑ Flash
IO8GPIO8Must be held at the proper logic level on reset to select the correct boot mode and enable/disable bootloader log output.πŸ› οΈ Strapping
IO9GPIO9Must be pulled high on reset for normal SPI flash boot (pulling it low while GPIO8 is high forces the chip into download/programming mode).πŸ› οΈ Strapping
IO23U0RXDOften used for the serial console and bootloader input; repurposing it may conflict with UART communication for programming or debugging.πŸ“‘ UART
IO25GPIO25Used during boot to determine the JTAG interface source; this pin has no internal pull-up/down, so it must not be left floating (an external resistor drives it high/low to avoid unintended JTAG mode selection).πŸ› οΈ Strapping
IO26USB_D-By default, this pin is connected to the chip’s internal USB Serial/JTAG peripheral; using it as a general-purpose IO requires disabling or reconfiguring that USB interface.πŸ”Œ USB
IO27USB_D+By default, this pin is connected to the internal USB Serial/JTAG controller; using it as a general-purpose IO would disable the USB functionality used for debugging/programming.πŸ”Œ USB

πŸ“Œ Key Takeaway:

βœ… Pins Safe to use

For general GPIO usage, these are the safest and most flexible choices πŸš€:
  • πŸ”Ή IO10
  • πŸ”Ή IO11
  • πŸ”Ή IO12
  • πŸ”Ή IO13
  • πŸ”Ή IO14
  • πŸ”Ή IO22

Unlike restricted pins, these GPIOs are not tied to essential system functions like πŸ› οΈ bootstrapping, πŸ”Œ USB communication, πŸ”— JTAG debugging, or ⚑ SPI flash memory, making them the best choices for custom applications and general use.

Why Are These Pins Safe?
  • Not involved in bootstrapping β†’ These GPIOs do not affect the device’s boot mode or system startup.
  • Not linked to flash memory or PSRAM β†’ They won’t interfere with storage or memory access.
  • Not dedicated to USB or JTAG β†’ They remain free for general use without affecting debugging or programming.
  • No special hardware connections β†’ Unlike some pins that are internally wired to system functions, these remain freely assignable.

πŸ—ΊοΈ ESP32-H2 Super Mini External Pins Mapping Functions

Below you can find the ESP32-H2 Super Mini pinout. This development board provides 11 digital IO pins, out of which 22 can be used as an external interrupt pins , 6 as analog input pins and 11 pins have Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) .

PinFunctionESP PinInput/OutputDescription
15V5Vpower input5V power input for the board
2GNDGNDpower groundGround connection
33V33.3Vpower output3.3V power output for peripherals
5IO1GP1bidirectionalGPIO, ADC pin
6IO2GP2bidirectionalGPIO, ADC pin
7IO3GP3bidirectionalGPIO, ADC pin
8IO4GP4bidirectionalGPIO, ADC pin
9IO5GP5bidirectionalGPIO, ADC pin
12IO8GP8bidirectionalGPIO, LOG
13IO9GP9bidirectionalGPIO, BOOT
17IO13GP13bidirectionalGPIO, LED
Function - Pin Function
ESP Pin - Pin on ESP32
Input/Output - Input or Output Pin
Description - Pin Description

πŸ—ΊοΈ ESP32-H2 Super Mini Pins Mapping Arduino IDE

Below you can find the ESP32-H2 Super Mini pinout. This development board provides 11 digital IO pins, out of which 22 can be used as an external interrupt pins , 6 as analog input pins and 11 pins have Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) .

Analog - Analog input pins
Touch - Touch pins
Function - Function pins
RX / TX - Receive (RX) / Transmit (TX)
PWM - Pulse-Width Modulation

πŸ› οΈ Default Tools

Bootloader toolesptool_py
Uploader toolesptool_py
Network uploader toolesp_ota
Bootloader address0x0
Flash modeqio
Boot modeqio
PSRAM type
Maximum upload size
1024 Kb
(1048576 B)
Maximum data size
256 Kb
(262144 B)

The ESP32-H2 Super Mini development board by default uses esptool_py uploader tool, esp_ota network uploader tool for Over-the-air (OTA) uploads and esptool_py bootloader tool. The bootloader starts at address "0x0". Flash mode and boot mode for ESP32-H2 Super Mini development board by default is qio and qio respectively.